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Train Calisthenics

with Jess St John

Come train calisthenics with me on my app! I made my app for EVERYONE! Regardless of gender, age, or skill level, this app will teach you all you need to know about calisthenics. I start with the basics by teaching how to achieve a proper pull up and push up. From there I coach everything from basic strength to advanced dynamics. Learn more below!


Get started here!


What you have access to

When you subscribe, you'll gain access to everything! You'll have full programs, skill based workouts, challenges, calisthenics hacks, and in depth tutorials at your fingertips. You will also receive access to other creators on the app!




What skills will I learn?

Start with the basics: push ups and pull ups! I also coach handstands, muscle ups, planche, levers, and all kinds of dynamic skills for all levels. Yes this includes 360's and shrimp flips!


Start Now!


What if I need more help?

You can DM me directly on the app! I check daily and promise to help you out with whatever block you're facing. You can also DM me to request specific workouts and tutorials. Chances are if you want it, so do others!


Go check it out! 

What happens when I finish the program?

Don't worry, I am constantly adding new programs, workouts, challenges, and tutorials! I promise you will never be bored with your training, and you will always have something new to work on.


See what's new!


What equipment do I need?

In most cases a bar, dip or parallel bars, a box or bench, and resistance bands are a good place to start! If you ever need an alternative send me a DM on the app!


I also explain everything you need to know about chalk and wrist wraps, and how to take care of your calluses! 


Let's get started!



How much is it?

It's super affordable! $14.99 monthly OR $99 annually. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time so you've got nothing to lose! 


This is your sign! Just send it!

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