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When I first started out in calisthenics I was very grateful to be welcomed into the established and quickly growing community in the Greater Toronto Area, while also training with a group of women in the Kitchener-Waterloo Region. I took inspiration from the Barvibe Crew, Calisthenics Canada, and gyms like Project Rise, and Lionstrong Fitness.


At the beginning of my calisthenics career I had also travelled to other cities including Montreal and Miami, and immediately felt a sense of "home." It was crazy to me how the sport could connect so many like-minded individuals in so many cities across the world. Between Toronto, KW, Montreal, and Miami, I felt so connected. I loved how each city had their own community filled with individual talent, incredible support for each other, and a mutual love for the sport.


In the late summer of 2020, I moved from Southwestern Ontario to Vancouver, British Columbia. While I kept stumbling across individuals training calisthenics, I was disappointed to find that there wasn't one big community like in the previous cities I had trained in. This inspired me to create Calisthenics Vancouver.


Calisthenics Vancouver is an organization designed to unite the calisthenics community across the Greater Vancouver Area and other parts of BC. The goal is to connect as many individuals, gyms, and businesses together who all share the same passion. I want us all to learn from, grow from, and support each other to thrive in the sport we all love. 


Established in December 2020, Calisthenics Vancouver has since grown into an abundant community of talented calisthenics athletes with a wide range of skills. We connect at meet ups, workshops, and soon... competitions!


Calisthenics Vancouver also works to provide opportunities to local athletes, and connect our local athletes to the calisthenics community across the country, and globe, via our relationship with Calisthenics Canada.


Check us out here and send a DM if you're a local who wants to get involved!



Special Mentions:

Carlito, Jalil, Sergio, Julius, Jay, Marco, Quoc, Janie, Little T, Felly, Alexis, Anca, Montana, Rolin, Aleks, Emily, Corina, Brandy, Ainslee, Erin, Mikemike, Charan, and more. Thank you for being a part of my journey from day one  (back in the GTA and KW), and helping shape my vision. 

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